Soliloquy tells the story of a socially awkward, intelligent young man and his mystifying summer relationship with an interesting and enigmatic young woman. Because of the young man’s social ineptitude and listlessness, his parents coerce him into joining a local acting troupe. However, in the end, the acting tropue has an irrevocable impact on his already fragile psyche.
“Darkly humorous and philosophical, Soliloquy paints a picture of teen angst and anxiety in a unique way that resonates long after reading. Jonathan Brownlee demonstrates his talented writing and why he’s an author to look out for in the future.”
Scholarship as found on
The Cultural Myopia of Postmodernism
Poli-Femo, 2021, Issue 22
“[T]here is a deep connection between experiential facticity and embodied rhetoric... [and it] leads to unique kinds of epistemic claims which are often not privileged in rhetorical and philosophical discourses.”
Being and Otherness: Conceptualizing Embodiment in Africana Experientialist Discourse
Dissertation, Bowling Green State University, 2020
“[E]xplores the writings of three authors (James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, and Franz Fanon) associated with the philosophical approach knows as Africana existentialism.”
Given Words: Creative Writing, Collaboration, and Pedagogy
21st Century Englishes Conference, 2017
“[C]reative, collaborative projects can benefit writing students and help them to better visualize, explain, and map out their ideas, familiarize themselves with writing in contexts that vary from traditional academic writing.”